Kitchen sparkle tiles

Unique glittery-sparkle kitchen tiles!
These engineered starstone uses dramatic colours to capture and reflect light, therefore changing the lighting and smaller rooms appear more spacious. Whether in an urban or chic, contemporary or traditional kitchen, they focus the eye on the space around you.
The properties of the sparkle kitchen tiles matches those of natural stone with extra advantages, like:

aesthetic consistency, satin resistant due to the extremely low porosity, resistance of chemicals also very resistant to high temperatures, suitable for heavy traffic and of course the unique and crystal stone luxurious look.
What the kitchen glittery / sparkly tiles gives you?
Gives you the opportunity to create outstanding designs, this is limited only by your imagination. speedstone kitchen floor tile are available in four different sizes and twelve different colours ready to be combined to dramatic effect...
Unlimited luxurious designs.
You can take a look at our gallery to look at the colours range, sizes and other important information about the range of sparkle tiles available.
For a truly bespoke kitchen, the sparkly speedstone kitchen floor tile range of colours offers endless choices for creating
individual and stylish designs. Choose from multitone shades of star stone through to darker tones in a mixture of
glitter and sparkle, creating a 3D effect for the latest in contemporary chic designs.